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Falconpack US

This website/web-app was created utilizing Angular CLI as the foundation, our project seamlessly integrated Tailwind CSS and various Angular libraries to craft a modern web application. This dynamic and responsive interface, enriched with interactive components, efficiently interacted with backend APIs and databases. The project's outcome is a visually appealing, scalable, and user-friendly application, delivering a top-notch web experience.


Falconpack | B2B Site

A dynamic e-commerce website crafted using Angular and Tailwind CSS. This project embodies innovation and user-friendly design, through a seamless fusion of front-end technologies, I've created an engaging online shopping experience, complete with dynamic functionalities and visually captivating layouts.


Falconpack UAE

This website/web-app was created utilizing Angular CLI as the foundation, our project seamlessly integrated Tailwind CSS and various Angular libraries to craft a modern web application. This dynamic and responsive interface, enriched with interactive components, efficiently interacted with backend APIs and databases. The project's outcome is a visually appealing, scalable, and user-friendly application, delivering a top-notch web experience.



Explore this dynamic website, powered by Angular CLI for seamless functionality and Tailwind CSS for a modern, stylish look. With intuitive navigation and responsive design, it adapts smoothly to your device. Experience a user-friendly interface that combines the best of technology and aesthetics for an engaging online journey.


CRUD Form (Personal)

I've used Angular CLI and Tailwind CSS to create a feature-packed solution that simplifies data management. With CRUD operations, powerful search, and sorting capabilities, it's a breeze to handle the data. What's more, you can export (download) your existing data in PDF format with just a click!


Animated Landing Page (Personal)

A dynamic animated landing page crafted using Angular and Tailwind CSS. Explore how I brought creativity to life with seamless animations and responsive design.